How to watch aquarion anime episodes
How to watch aquarion anime episodes

how to watch aquarion anime episodes

Amata, similar to Apollo in the first series, immediately discovers he is gifted with elemental abilities of his own, and is capable of unlocking awesome power from Aquarion, he and Mikino joining the ranks of the many elements.

how to watch aquarion anime episodes

Like in Genesis of Aquarion, the Mecha are a combination of three separate shuttles, piloted by young cadets with extraordinary abilities, that merge in order to fight against the enemy.

How to watch aquarion anime episodes series#

However, the enemy, who reside on the planet Altair, labeled abductors, who are similar in scope to the opposition in the first series and have been brutalizing the people of Vega, make an unappreciated entrance, forcing the Neo-DEAVA to deploy elements to their location. Amata's appreciation of the film, Skies of Aquarion, a story that resembles the original series, which Mikino also finds enjoyment in, is the first of many connections that draw their characters together. Set 12,000 years after the first series on the planet Vega, Amata, a young man with the uncanny ability to fly when he becomes emotionally unstable, happens upon Mikono, a young woman who is deeply unsure of herself. Although it isn't mandatory to have watched the original series, Genesis of Aquarion, I would personally recommend doing so in order to understand Aquarion Evol, a series that fuses the Mecha genre with a romantic storyline concerning family, friendship, loyalty and survival. When it comes to anime concerning Mecha, there are a wealth of programs, including Eureka Seven, STR.A.IN, Patlabor and Gaiking, among many others.

How to watch aquarion anime episodes